The Dawn

"What's going on here?" I say while I attempt to walk forward.

"Why…" finally dropping to the floor, my body had almost no energy anymore.

"Why did all this have to happen…" My eyes begin to get teary.


"I'm Sorry Diana."


I continue "I'm sorry I couldn't be there a lot of the time. I fai-"

"AROON, STOP!" She yells with a bit of anger. I stopped myself and looked at her.


Moment of silence lingers in the air.

"I have always knew, you out there, fighting two jobs, barely getting enough sleep, skipping meals. All to afford the medical bills and medicine for my worsening condition."

"Things were just getting worse, and that day…"

She pauses for a brief moment and her expression becomes sadder.

"It all hit a peak, my body was becoming more fragile, I started puking blood, the amount of pain I felt and the weight of you seeing me like this, how much you would sacrifice your life for mine."

"Everything was too overwhelming. Knowing you would come back home soon, I wrote that letter to you and began lumbering towards the rooftop and…"

"By the time I got there, it was too late."

"I'm sorry Aroon, my actions that day sent you to this spiral you have been living for the past year."

My emotions boiling over, I begin to cry.

"That was something I didn't think of when I did it and it's something I regret immensely." She continues "None of this is what I wanted to happen and I couldn't bear to see you spiral further down."

"Diana…" I say, unable to make a sentence anymore.

The moment being interrupted from a loud sound. The shadow crawled all the way up here and stood up right beside her. Her distorted image and the shadow turn to face each other.

Extending their arms, both of them begin to mix and combine into one.

In a blink of an eye. Both were gone, in their place… Diana.

Her beautiful hair and eyes, she wasn't distorted or had missing things, it was Diana. She walks towards me and stands right in front of my body who couldn't find any strength to get up.

She slowly bends down and wraps her arms around me.

"Aroon, I love you, I have always and will always love you." She says as she holds me more tightly and begins to cry "No matter what happens, know that I'll always be watching you from here, in spirit."

Gathering the low amount of energy left, I hug her back.

"Diana, I love you too"

My eyes, feeling so heavy.

"Aroon, promise me you will never forget me, okay?"

Everything is fading to black

"Promise me when you wake."

So tired…

When I open my eyes again, I'm back to where everything started, at the entrance of the alley. The bus stop right across the street, the moon still in the sky.

I look back and…

It's gone, the alley doesn't exist anymore. Both buildings' walls give the look that it was never to begin with.

"Diana, I'll never forget you."

< Chapter 2 - Table of Contents - Ending >