The Nightmare

I am in disbelief of where I'm now…

The hospital… is gone!?

In its place, there is a three way junction, a crossroad. Even stranger, is that there's a tall woman in a white dress with long hair looking at the signs that have nothing written in them.

Or at least that's what I could see, her figure was very distorted, almost like she was melting in the air around her…?

This blurred image is not normal, but I don't feel weirded out, Instead, somewhat calm…?


As I was thinking, she turned to look at me. Her face, she has no eyes, their eyes are completely gone and she's smiling… No, no, no it can't be HER.


"WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT IS THIS PLACE!?" I yell at her as my heart starts to beat faster.

"You didn't want things to turn this way, did you?"


"I didn't want things to turn this way either, but it was too much." She says as her expression becomes sad.

"Wha-what are you saying!?"

"You still blame yourself for what happened that day, don't you?" She continues.

"It wasn't your fault, everything was just too overwhelming. You were trying the best you could to make things alright."


A pause, silence lingers in the air for a moment.

"I can't change what happened, but I refuse to see this 'you' again."

The pause resumes as she begins to turn back to the signs.

"I'll be waiting for you, at the last place we saw each other."

Her image begins to distort and fully dissolve in the air around her.

"Wait WAIT , DON'T GO, NOT AGAIN!" I scream in panic trying to reach my hand to her. But she vanished before I could touch her hand. Dropping to my knees.

"Why… why was she here…" I mumble these words blankly staring at the ground.

But before any more thoughts could be processed, I heard a loud step sound behind me.

I'm suddenly reminded of what I was running from. Slowly turning my head back…

It was behind me. I see it, the bright eyes, towering over me, reaching its hand to touch me. In a panic, I jump forward and can barely stand up from my change in balance.

The shadow doesn't lose sight of me, they continue to take steps in my direction.

My instincts made the decision for me again, I ran to the right side of the diverging path.

I went far, so far, not even noticing the street getting narrower. Cars couldn't fit here anymore, only a small number of people would. The darkness grew as the moon was nowhere to be seen, it disappeared. The shadow's eyes were still coming closer, relethenless. But ahead, within the darkness there was a light to the right, taking a deep breath, using more energy, I ran towards that light.

As I thought, the lights are from my old apartment. Just as I remember it… taking another deep breath, I open the door and enter.

It's exactly how it was that day, all the lights are on, the floor and carpet still tidy. But it's empty, I'm the only one here. Approaching the receptionist counter, I see a key with a tag. "43", the number that used to be my room.

Before I could think more about this, I hear a low sound of hissing and the lights at the exit shut down. Silence lingers in the air, I approach the exit, trying to take a peek of what happened outside. Suddenly, loud bangs come from the door, making me jump back and skip a heartbeat. Through the door's window, I could see it, the shadow's eyes glowing in the darkness, trying to destroy the wooden barrier between us. Holding the keys tightly, heavily breathing, I began to run to the 4th floor.

Each floor I passed, the more lights went out behind me. Until I arrived at the 4th floor, the corridors were in complete darkness, except for the lights closest to my room…

Standing in front of the door, I turn the keys and gently open the door. Turning on the lights, the apartment is just like it was that day, a little dusty, the TV had become static, there was a bunch of medicine on the table and… the letter.

Picking it up, the title says "I'm Sorry.", it was addressed to me by "Diana", my girlfriend.

I completely lost my senses.

"I CAN'T DO THIS, I CAN'T DO THIS AGAIN!" I angrily shout.



Before I could finish my sentence, I heard a loud bangs from the window. The light began to flicker, the sound became louder. I looked at the window, those eyes… The shadow scaled the outside wall and was trying to break the window.

Quickly grabbing the letter, I ran back to the door. Wait, the door, IT'S CLOSED!? I tried to force open the door, nothing was working. Until the banging stopped, followed by even more ear piercing sound. I look back… the window was broken and the shadow was inside coming closer. My body entered the fight or flight state as I began to bash the door open. Using all my strength I bash open the door and close it. The shadow began to bang on the door, but stopped after a few moments.

Taking a huge sigh of relief, the tiredness begins to hit me. Looking at the letter again, her words began to ring in my head, "I'll be waiting for you, at the last place we saw each other.".

The last place…

I can't rest just yet, there's something for me to do.

Taking the stairs once again, I go to the rooftop. Each step had droplets of blood…

Arriving at the end, I open the door to the rooftop.

There she was, the distorted image, at the edge, watching the dawn, with her hands behind her back.

"Diana!" I called out to her and she turned to me.

< Chapter 1 - Table of Contents - Chapter 3 >