The New Day

"Is this place you wanted to go to?"

"Yes, this is the place."

"A cemetery huh…"

"Well, Take care man. You want me to wait for you?"

"I'll be fine, I can walk from here."

"If you say so, see ya at work on monday then."

It's been a long time since I had a friend, I almost forgot the feeling of friendship.

The cemetery…

I was never able to obtain enough courage to visit you ever since that day… Things have changed now, it's a brand new day.

I Brought with me a bouquet of lavenders, the flowers that always put her in peace, she really loved them. And 2 letters, the one written by her and the one by me.

Taking a deep breath, I begin walking to where she rests now.

Diana Seehy

May Her Soul Rest in Peace

Carefully placing the bouquet on the pedestal and one of the letters beside it, I sat down in front of the stone.

"It has been a while since we last saw each other, hasn't it?"

"I'm sorry it took this long to come visit you. I lacked the courage to do so."

"But after everything that happened, I created the strength to come here and talk to you. About what happened after you left."

A light breeze settles in.

"After what happened, I tried to run towards the ambulance that was leaving with you in a hurry. I ran far still hoping that everything was okay and all this could be resolved but the distance between us only grew and reality began to set in."

"Tired, I sat down on a bench with a dying street lamp illuminating my surroundings, crying… disbelief of what just happened… Why did this happen… the title of the letter echoing in my head. 'I'm Sorry.'."

"Only after a couple of hours did I go to the hospital. The doctors said that by the time you got there, you already left us."

"All that sending me in a downward spiral. I tried moving out, getting a new job and even isolating myself from the world. But I was never able to get out of it."

" 'If I was there that day, maybe things could've been different.' This thought grew as each day passed by for over a year."

"Only stopping when we last saw each other."

"There's still one thing I haven't faced from that past, your letter. I never heard what you left to say."

"That's why I'm going to read it here, with you."

I'm Sorry Aroon.

At the time you are reading this, I won't be there with you anymore.

I committed an extremely selfish act.

I couldn't handle it anymore, all the pain and illness was too much for me. Everything is getting worse, I don't want you to see me like this.

But I didn’t do this because of you, it's not your fault.

I have and will always love you Aroon, even when I'm not there anymore. Please live your life the best you can, I'll be watching from the other side.


"It's like…"

"You knew what was going to happen…"

"Even going to the otherside… you still cared for me…"

"If only I had the courage to read this before. Maybe I would've visited you way earlier…"

"Diana, I wrote a letter for you as well. I left it right there, close to your favorite flowers. It's titled 'New Day'."

"It's about the future, my hopes and feelings of how things will go from now on."

"I began to study again, to become a doctor in the future! My goals are to prevent any other person from suffering like you did while you were still here. It's a tough road ahead but it's one I'm going to walk through."

"Everything is on that letter. Make sure to read it well okay?"

"That's all I wanted to talk about, thank you for listening Diana. Don't worry, I'll come back to visit you again someday."

While getting up I noticed that the weather changed, a long time had passed and now the sun was piercing through the clouds. One of these rays of light shining on her resting place.

Turning around, I feel someone lightly push me forward.

I look back and…

With a smile I say.

"I remember the promise I made."

"Diana, I'll never forget you."

< Chapter 3 - Table of Contents -