Crashed Club

Miwa's Royalty and Search for the Relic

Day 51

Miya, who has mostly recovered from the crash now, complained a bit about not having a very comfortable bed and the prettiest of rooms… so priorities shifted once more. A big and somewhat fancy room was in order to satisfy the high expectations of the new artist in the group.

Hika also managed to figure out how microelectronics works, opening the door to many technological advances, hi-tech machinery and making them a step closer to the dream of going back to space.

What are you using this technology for again?

Nanomachines, son.

Uuuh… what?

Sorry, I felt compelled to say that.

You still… didn’t answer my questions…

Don’t worry Ino, we are still far from building huge war robots.

...I-I see.

A little later that day, the club also received a distressed message from someone nearby named-


The moment Miwa saw she recognized it and went around gathering everyone to fight. The message was about her getting close to the club and also about her being chased by 3 BoomratsAn animal the size of a dog that explodes into flames after dying.! Miwa replied to the message assuring that they are ready to stop the rats and now the club members are all in position waiting for Kazu and her explosive problem.

After a few minutes, Kazu entered the area and ran as fast as she possibly could to the base, passing by everyone standing there ready to shoot the rodent intruders. Not long after they entered the area and beelined to the base.

Despite their size and speed, they were easily taken care of by the turrets and members all shooting them at once. The mission was a complete and flawless success (Aside from the small fire the dead rats caused.), and Kazu from the Cooking Club has returned to their friends! She seemed a little upset when she ran by everyone, was it because of wild animals chasing her or… something else?

Unfortunately the reunion had to be postponed for tomorrow. As the club members were returning back to base to welcome Kazu, Hika noticed a cougar acting a little weird in the distance and right when their gaze met… the cougar went in to attack! But everyone was still nearby, so the cougar was easily stopped, Ino did get a few scratches during the brawl though.

Just when the day was about to end, Miya got upset about how uncomfortable she felt and decided to hide in her room… which meant, kicking out Pudd from her room and claiming it as her own for the time being… poor Pudd.

I did nothing to deserve this…” she says grumbling to herself, while dragging her feet to the main base.

Entering the main base, she notices that Kazu was still up at this hour, sitting all by herself in the main work area table, with her head low and quite the complex expression… It was a mix of both sad and annoyed.

Uhmm Kazu, you’re not going to bed?

No. I lost sleep.” A short and blunt answer.

Ah, I see.

A sudden metaphorical wall was built between the two of them from that interaction, so, Pudd put a little more thought on what she was going to say to climb the wall.

Are you worried about your friend?

Kazu quickly glances at Pudd, answering “Maybe.

I’m sure the other person from the cooking club will come here sooner or later!” She responds, trying to cheer her up.

What was her name again… Kumo-something.

Kumoko, and I know she will.

You know?

She’s not the type to leave her friends alone.

Why are you upset then? Missing her?

N-No, don’t be ridiculous! I would never get along with that chaotic individual!” She raises her voice and her face turns a little red, not really reflecting the words just spoken.

I’m just upset because I baked some sweets for… SOMEONE, but those rats caught the scent of them and jumped at me while I was on my way here. I gave all the food I had to them and they still ran after me thinking I had more.

Wait, how did you bake sweets? You weren’t stranded like all of us?

My pod landed close to a somewhat friendly village. The people there talked a lot about contracts, deals and their faction Binaritdo, so I decided to make a deal with them: ‘Provide me with shelter and I’ll do the cooking for the village.’ and they accepted it.

Hey, that’s Melly’s faction! How lucky…


I’ll introduce her to you later, she’s a friend of ours.

We-Well, the villagers did appreciate a lot of my baking skills, but not so much when I had to make saltier dishes. But after I received the signal from you guys, I made the decision to bake a bunch of sweets and leave the village to come here. None of the villagers were against the idea, so I just went on my way, expecting everyone to be safe… but not only have I lost all the sweets to wild animals, the SOMEONE I was looking for wasn’t even here to begin with…

Oooooooh, I get it now!

Do you?

Basically, you baked the sweets for Kumoko and wanted to give it to her when you got here!

The moment Kazu heard that phrase, her entire face turned completely red and visible steam started to come out from the top of her head.

I understand it no-” Before she could finish the sentence, Kazu stood up and slammed her hands down at the table, her now angry and embarrassed expression fixed on Pudd.

Meanwhile, the night outside was fairly quiet, the crickets were all making their usual noise undisturbed and the moon shined as bright as it usually does everyone. Quiet and peaceful as a night could ever be… That was the case until a loud bang was heard. The door for the main base swung open, and seconds after Pudd was kicked back to the road by an angry Kazu who closed the door almost as if she was trying to destroy it… Pudd did not understand the reason for that reaction, found herself back to where she was a few minutes ago… poor Pudd.

“I really did nothing to deserve this…”

Day 52

Everyone welcomed Kazu back and she explained the situation that led her to be chased by the rats, without mentioning that the sweets were made for someone in specific of course. Everyone caught her up on the current situation and introduced her to Melly. Kazu is really good at cooking, to be more specific, great at making sweets! She’s not really that good at making non-sugary meals, but she’s miles better than the person currently on this duty, Ino. The entire club really appreciated this change in roles, even Ino, who was tired of her own cooking.

Miya finally stopped throwing a little tantrum and gave Pudd’s room back, but was very happy to sleep on a comfortable bed.

Living in bliss once more…

Day 53

Winter has officially ended, overall, it didn’t cause a huge problem as it first seemed for the club, aside from the throne room project. Now they can continue the cotton farm to finally finish said project!

The two new members are still getting used to their new base, so some problems and disagreements might still happen in the future, but things are looking up from here!

The club spent the rest of the day planting cotton, even if the current temperature is not too ideal for the growth.

Day 54

Kana and Hika managed to finish the hi-tech research table, something they struggled with because of how much steel it required and the general lack of experience the club had towards mining to get said resources. The duo also made an art bench by Miya’s request, she wanted to flex her artistic skills and went to make a grand sculpture made out of wood moments after the bench was finished.

A eclipse took place later that day, which was mostly a non issue, everyone in the club knew that looking at the eclipse without special glasses was a bad thing… Hopefully they did at least.

Winter didn’t want to fully go away, as the beacon alerted that a cold snap was about to take place! The area around the base was going to get cold extremely quickly and this could last for a few days. Goodbye to all the cotton plants that were just planted…

“We just planted them, come on!”

Day 55

The cold snap is even worse than the winter, temperatures are plummeting down to -18C, this sudden change completely wiped out all the fauna around the base in just mere hours. Thankfully the club was mostly prepared for this occasion, they had good ventilation and heating all around the base and rooms, the extreme cold didn’t affect them that much.

In other good news, all the rooms for the new members were finished! Pudd no longer has to worry about someone barging into her room and kicking her.

Finally! I actually own my own room!

Wait, you already have a room.

That’s what I thought until a certain… INCIDENT.” She says while she gives a mean stare to Miya.


The eclipse also ended today.

Day 56

Right after midnight, the beacon alerted Miwa about a request from another faction called Pikmoin-Gu, a neutral tribe the club doesn’t know much about. The message went as follow:

Hello, member of Gods’ Club. I, Strange, leader of Pikmoin-Gu, request help from you.

Our caravan will transport highly valuable goods, but enemies are right in our tail.

Request is to direct the signal from caravan to your base, bringing the enemies to you.

About 4 drifters will come to your base in few hours after accepting.

We will reward you with any options below, please pick as wish and we send after threat is dealt with.

- Konnor ‘Strange’ Cornelius.

Miwa was still half asleep and accidentally accepted the request for the stranger, with 397 silver and Psychic Shock LanceA 2 charge use consumable that causes a psychic shock at a targeted enemy from long range. as a reward. Not even seeing the other options for rewards.

After everyone woke up, she explained the situation and what she got the club into, everybody had their weapons ready while doing the daily work for the base, no one knew when the invaders would strike.


While deconstructing the monument requested by Yukie many days ago, but Pudd, out of pure negligence, forgot to remove the roof above her head before destroying the wall sustaining the building. This led to the roof collapsing on her and crushing her left eye and leaving blind in that eye! Luckily, Nebi was nearby, patched her up and helped her get a footing again. The loss of an eye is a terrible thing, but they couldn’t do much about it now, technology is not too advanced to make a new eye and… the invasion just began!

The 4 drifters approached the area, welding metal pipes, they were attacking the club immediately, everyone but Miya and Kazu got ready to engage them.

The raiders were… frankly stupid. They attempted to pipe down the turret from afar, even when they failed to land a single pipe, they still continued to throw them… safe to say they REALLY hated those turrets. Either way, this stubbornness gave plenty of safety and distance for the club to gun them down and end the raid “attempt”.

Shortly after dealing with them, the beacon received a response by Strange from the Pikmoin-Gu tribe:

Thank you Gods’ Club member.

You helped tribe a lot, I shall send the reward as agreed earlier.

Look forward to working with you again.

- Konnor ‘Strange’ Cornelius.

Like Strange promised, pods landed nearby with all the silver and the lance Miwa agreed to. While everyone was carrying the silver to the base, Miwa decided to take the lance for herself, thinking the design was really cool. No one really objected to it, not like a weapon of such power would ever be useful to the club after all.

The cold snap ended during the night.

Day 57

The day started in a bad way. A BoomalopeA mature boomrat, big animal that explodes and sets a whole area on fire after death. woke up on the wrong side of the grass and went mad. Unlike previous explosive rodent attacks, this one was a much bigger and lethal threat for the club due to the size of the animal. With luck and a bit of careful maneuvering, the club managed to kill the Boomalope without being hurt by the explosion after death, only causing minor damages to the buildings around.

Energy is starting to become a problem once again, batteries are barely lasting through the entire night while taking too long to recharge during the day. Kazu suggested building a wood-fire generator, something she remembered the villagers doing while she was there and Nebi started to, slowly, to build it right away. Miwa asked Hika if she knew any way to fix this problem in the long term, and she gave the idea of geothermal energy, utilizing the geyser nearby.

Can we make that?

Nope, we wouldn’t even know where to start.

Hm… Can you discover how that works with research?

I could try, I guess? Seems complicated tho, even for me…


. . .


Alright, fine. But if I lose my mind, you will be at fault here!

Later that day, a bulk goods trader from BríoA Neutral Faction. stopped by and Pudd, under the watch of Miya, traded with them. Selling pretty much all the animal fur accumulated over the past few days of animals hunting club members for a lot of silver. She decided to buy all the cloth the caravan had to offer, overall, this trade was a 977 silver profit and the club finally has enough cloth to finish the throne room!

Day 58

Miya has finished her grand sculpture and was ready to unveil the artpiece she had been working on for the past few days. Everyone gathered around the sculpture, which had a red tarp over it. After everyone settled down, Miya began:

Using all these days of experience & difficulty, and with Hika’s likeness as inspiration for my masterpiece-

Wha- Me??

I hereby present to the club: Hika’s Circloid!

Here follows the description for the sculpture:

Hika’s Circloid

This work portrays Hika sitting under a larch tree, with a grinning smile. Six muggers are awestruck by the scene.

The scene takes place inside a hamlet built near a crag.

The post-impressionistic style of the central scene clashes with the geometric depiction of the background.

This portrayal relates to Hika meditating on 12th of Jugust, 5501.

Here follows visual representation of this art piece:

Everyone was awed, struck and applauded at the sight of this beautiful masterpiece… everyone but Hika, who was confused as to why she was part of the art.

The sculpture was later installed in Hika's room, against her wishes.

First a complicated research, now I have to wake up and see a huge statue of myself first thing in the morning… this can’t be healthy!

Day 59

Using all the cloth traded the other day, the club managed to almost complete the throne room flooring. They fell 8 cloth short from accomplishing this task…

There’s no other option but to plant the cotton plants again… Hopefully they won’t be struck with sudden death this time around.

After the great reception from the previous art piece, Miya decided to start making another grand sculpture, and the club eagerly anticipates her next creation.

This time I’ll make it about a celebrity that the folk from Brío mentioned, it will be amazing!

Day 60

This was a peaceful day of good progress. The flooring project that started on day 44 was finally finished today and some expansions to the main work room are already in action.

A bit after 4 P.M., Kazu entered the main work room looking to relax a little bit after finishing her kitchen duties. Sitting down at the table in the middle of the room, she noticed that Hika had her head low with an absolute mess of papers all around her at the research table. Kazu got up to check on her but when she got close, she could hear her whispering to herself…


Kazu hesitated after witnessing that and decided to ask Kana, who was on the other side of the room making some stones, if Hika was really okay.

She’s okay.”

Are you really sure? Just look at her…

Kana nonchalantly answers, “She might be on the verge of losing her mind, but she will make it.

That’s not very reassuring you know…

Day 61

Nothing too noteworthy happened this day, just more progress on the flooring and expansion of the main work area. The battery is no longer a room outside of the base, it has been fully integrated to the main base.

Day 62

Nebi noticed that a strange plant sprouted overnight near the base, so she decided to call Miwa to see if she knew anything about it, to which she didn’t. Both of them went around the base asking others about this strange lightbulb shaped plant, but they held no luck, no one at the club knew what that was… except for Kazu.

This is the lightbulb shaped plant.

Hmm… it is the plant I was thinking of.

What kind of plant is it? Is it dangerous??

Dangerous? No, far from that. Back at the village I was at, the people there harvested one of these and planted the seed it yields. That seed flourished to a unique looking tree, that if maintained well by a skilled gardener, could create helpful dryads.

Dryads… how helpful are they?

It depends on the type of dryads the tree produces, for example, at the village we had these carrier dryads that would help us on hauling things to the stockpile.

Is it really hard to maintain these dryads?

I don’t really know that, but I do know that the person responsible for them never really got the chance to do anything other than taking care of them.

Hmm… let’s harvest this seed for now, later on we decide if we really want to do this or not.

Miwa called the most skilled in harvesting plants at the base, which was Ino. She collected and stored the seed.

The day was not all peaceful however, the beacon received a message from The Hunters of ChaosA Hostile Faction., by an unknown member:

Greetings members of God’s Club, or should I say OUTSIDERS FROM THE MUSAKI SPACESHIP!

Long time no see huh? It’s been a while since my faction attacked your compound, and I’m here to change that. Enjoy the small show I put for your group in just a little bit~

You will pay dearly for what you did to my beautiful statue.

One big rock wasn’t enough to satiate me, I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE!

- L.

“Beautiful statue? Vengeance?? Wait, They knew about the spaceship!? Not even the Binaritdo knew we were outsiders!”

Miwa was the first to see this message, but before she could think more about this, the beacon spotted a group of 5 people approaching the base, raiders from The Hunters of Chaos and they were attacking immediately! She quickly gathered everyone from the club and engaged in what she thought would be a difficult battle… Instead, the group attacking the club, despite having someone with a shotgun, quickly fell apart and completely failed their pillage mission. 4 of them fell before even getting close to the turret protection range.

Nebi got a few knife cuts from her melee fight but that aside, this was a pathetic display of dominance by “L.”. They didn’t send any other message, likely embarrassed by their “show”.

The club decided to take the guns from the raiders as their own and now everyone in the base has a weapon to defend themselves.

Day 63

Miya finished her newest art piece! Even if it’s not as impressive as the last one, she still showed to everyone:

Contemplative Art

On this carving is a portrayal of the minor celebrity Lyle moving to the left. The overall composition is focused.

No one knew who Lyle was, and Miya refused to elaborate on the art piece, all ending up in a very confused audience applauding the strange art piece… nevertheless, the statue was installed in the main work room.

Another Boomalope went mad later on the day, he was equally as easy to deal with however.

Day 64

Miwa received a request from a Stellarch of The Shattered EmpireA neutral royal faction that Yukie comes from., they want to perform some weapon tests around the area. If allowed, a layer of ash would envelop the upper atmosphere, and reduce sunlight around the base for 18 days. Miwa thought of accepting it for the rewards, but this would delay the throne room again… She denied the request.

The Stellarch decided to search somewhere to do the testing, but not before repassing a message that Yukie left for them. It was a proposition related to an artifact that would be very beneficial for the spaceship that the club wants to eventually build to go back to space. The empire doesn’t know much about it, but they were willing to track its location if Gods' Club helped with the “boots on the ground” part of the investigation.

Miwa happily accepted the proposition by Yukie hoping for the best.

Day 65

A fire from last night’s thunderstorm caused some problems during the early morning hours, it got way too close to the club!

As if the day wasn’t chaotic enough, the beacon detected another raid from the Roarclan of RsyshdeA hostile tribal faction that thrives in violence. from the north, 4 people armed with metal pipes and they were attacking immediately. Unlucky for them, all the members had weapons to defend themselves now!

They were dealt with ease.

Later on that day, in the workspace:


Kana, who was right beside her, jumped a little after the sudden scream from Hika. “Wh- What happene-

IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW, IT’S NOT MAGIC AT ALL!” She says with a slight maniac look on her face.

Oh, did you finish that research you have been working on?


Yay. No more energy problems.” She says with little enthusiasm in her voice.


Kana thinks to herself: “See Kazu, she did make it.

Day 66

At 2 A.M., Miwa was woken up by the beacon with another message from The Hunters of Chaos from their leader named “L.”:

Greetings, outsiders of OUR world.

I have returned with an ACTUAL show this time, last time just an appetizer. You know, testing the members' combat capabilities?

This time I’ll make sure you FALL!


- L.

The message was followed by an alert of pirates dropping nearby via transport pods, they were attacking immediately. These pirates learned from the last invasion and developed a plan to avoid the turrets in the base… unfortunately they were still incompetent like the previous group and were defeated by the club. The only problem they caused was bruising Nebi a little bit in melee combat.

And just like last time, the mysterious leader named “L.” didn’t say anything about their failure.

Day 67

A great chief from the People of WosudA nearby neutral village. sent a request asking for the club to protect their caravan from three groups of drifters from the Roarclan of Rsyshde. Hika was in the room while Miwa was deciding which rewards to take, and she mentioned that the one with 7 advanced components would be very valuable for the future. She didn’t know why, but she trusted Hika’s intelligence and accepted that reward.

In 3 days, the three groups of drifters will attack Gods’ Club, until then, the club has some time to prepare…

Later in the day, Hika noticed a warg looking at her a little strangely. She already knew what was going to happen and made a dash to her friends because that warg was about to attack her.

The warg stood no chance from the might of the members and the turret gunning him down.

She also later fully figured out how plate armor works and how it's made, her next goal is to learn about flak armor, something far more useful and comfortable.

The throne room was finally finished today!

Miwa’s Yeoman Ceremony can finally begin, now that she has a throne room and a good amount of honor with The Shattered Empire! She made that request the same day and received an answer from non other than Yukie herself:

Hello, leader of Gods’ Club.

It has been a great while since I, your generous and magnanimous angel, have sent a personal message to your club. I must apologize, being leader of royalty is quite the busy job HOHOHO!

I have noticed that you accepted our request for a ceremony to bestow you with the title of Yeoman, you are doing great I have to say. But this title is only the first step of our system of titles, you will need to do plenty of favors and requests to gain enough honor!

I’ll be sending my personal bestower shuffle tomorrow, and he will perform the ceremony. I’ll rate your qualifications after he comes back to me and tells me if you are really qualified.

I have high expectations for you, leader of Gods’ Club.

- Your Benignant and Graceful Angel Yukie.

Miwa slept that day a little bit anxious for what the next day had to offer…

Day 68

The bestower and his crew arrived very early in the morning, they acted a little conceding while they waited for Miwa and prepared everything. The club tried to tell them that they did have a throne where they could do this, but they just didn’t listen and simply barged into the workroom to do it there.

Miwa later arrived at the workroom and the ceremony began…

The ceremony was a bit of a disaster, the bestower and their crew didn’t really like the atmosphere and the place where it took place… which kinda upset everyone because they just refused to listen to the members and just did their own thing.

Anxious, Miwa waited the entire day for the response by Yukie, each hour increasing her anxiety. Thinking that maybe she failed this once in a lifetime opportunity to gain power allies…

Later that night the she would receive that long awaited response:

Hello, leader of Gods’ Club.

I have returned with my… conclusion.

I learned from my bestower that the ceremony went very poorly due to you not having a throne room to do it… which is rather absurd, since you have told me you had a throne room. Things were cleared up by the crew that he was being stubborn for no apparent reason other than pride.

I have solved this issue with him, rest assured that this won’t happen again HOHOHO!

Either way, my conclusion is: You have passed my first test.

Congratulations on getting the title of Yeoman!

I hope you continue to meet my expectations, leader of Gods’s Club.

- Your Benignant and Graceful Angel Yukie.

And so the first step in becoming allies with The Shattered Empire was taken. This title doesn’t come with many, if any benefits at all, but it marks the start of their partnership. The next titles come with far more tangible perks and powers.

Day 69

This was a peaceful day, nothing of note happened… not too notable at least.

Kana noticed that Nebi was sleeping at the stonecutter with a bunch of limestone bricks around her and went to wake her up.

Hey. Wake up… you shouldn’t sleep at this table.” she says while slightly shaking her shoulders, but she didn’t wake up.

Kana shook her a bit more aggressively, but again she had no reaction.

She tried shaking the chair back and forth, which made Nebi raise her head but when she stopped, Nebi’s head smashed against the table with a lot of force and weight behind it… not enough to wake her up however.

Kana pushed her to the side from right beneath her, but yet, by so god damn miracle Nebi remained in the same sitting-sleep position.

What the…” she whispers to herself at this sight.

Almost as a joke, Nebi wakes up and notices Kana.

Oh, hi Kana. I didn’t notice you there.


Were you trying to wake me up?

I-I was…

Ah. Sorry about that, I tend to be a heavy sleeper sometimes hehe.

Guess I fell asleep while making Miya’s limestone bricks she requested.

Ri-right… more importantly, how are you still in the same sitting position without a chair…


Nebi looks down and finds that the chair she was sitting on was pushed to the side, and immediately falls to the ground.

Day 70

Like the request from 3 days ago said, the first group of raiders arrived at 1 A.M., they were going to prepare their assault from afar then attack the club, which gave the members time to all wake up and get ready for a fight…

Except this was not what happened! They were all still awake from the party from yesterday, and attacked the raiders before they could even make plans.

There’s still 2 other groups coming today, so they can’t let their guard down today.

Group 2 attacked during the afternoon, this time they were immediately initiating their assault and the club engaged in battle head on in the wild. Aside from a few bruises, the raiders were dealt with and the club quickly retreated to deal with the 3rd group that just arrived and attacked immediately.

This one managed to destroy one of the turrets protecting the base, but fell apart shortly after it.

Gods’ Club has fully defended their base from the 3 groups of raiders and completed the request from the great chief. Holding his side of the bargain, pods with the advanced components later arrived after confirmation that the hooligans were defeated, mission success!

Later that day, Hika finished researching for flak armor, a proper armor that is much more comfortable to wear, and was looking for what she should do next. She asked Kana if there was something she wanted but she wasn’t in need of anything.

I have a suggestion.” Nebi barges in a request, Hika was curious to know.

I had a dream the other day that Pudd had a minigun and she was defending the base by herself.

A minigun…

I thought it would be cool to give her a minigun.

That’s a great idea! It would be the funniest thing ever!

Are you really researching it for a joke?

Of course? Plus I’m gonna learn a few things about guns in general along the way, it’s perfect!


Come on, it’s going to be funny and useful. Just ask Nebi, she agrees with me right?

Both of them look at Nebi, who left the conversation to sit down at the work area table and sleep for that afternoon. Nevertheless, Hika’s next research goal was to make a minigun to give to Pudd for a funny joke.

Day 71

Ino was outside just relaxing, when she noticed Miya harvesting some of the natural artichokes around the base. Miya is not a chef at all, so seeing her collecting ingredients was very unusual… “Maybe she’s just running an errand for Kazu.” she thought as she ignored the potential implications from this strange moment.

Aside from this minor occurrence, the day was just a regular peaceful day.

Day 72

Pudd passed by a structure that was buried in the mountain, with only a wall poking out of it. This building had a very ominous aura about it, something like an ancient evil or dangerous creature was trapped/ living inside… hopefully this structure or whatever is inside it will never be exposed to the outside world.

I feel spoked by that place!

Day 73

Miya has finally started work on her next masterpiece!

This time the sculpture will be made out of the limestone she asked Nebi to make for her, and will somehow use the 9 artichokes she harvested the day prior. What exactly is she going to make? Nobody knows, but she said she wanted to go all out for this one.

This will be my greatest work yet!

Day 74

The club received a sudden message from Melly:

Hey members of Gods’ Club, this is Melly from the Binaritdo.

It has been a good while since we last had direct communication hasn't it?

I have come to you on the behalf of Yukie, from The Shattered Empire, in regards to a deal we have made. We have struck a deal with her to help her allies, that means you, with some travel expenses.

The short of it is, they found an ancient complex that may contain information about an important relic you guys may want for your spaceship. She didn’t want to send her employees to seek it out, so she decided that the members of the club could deal with it themselves.

That’s where I come in. I’ll provide a shuttle, paid by the empire, to bring at least 6 of your members to said complex. Your objective is to find the ancient terminal, extract the data from it, send over that data to us and get out using the same shuttle, before anyone notices you guys there.

We will repasse that information to Yukie and from there you will have to deal with her.

I’ll await your answer and send out a shuttle as soon as you are ready.

Also, I’m glad to see you guys have a good relationship with the empire, they are quite the powerful allies.

- Melly, Manager of Binartido.

So this is a stealth mission. Cool!

Yeah, but which of us are going to that ancient complex, Miwa?

I think it’s only fair for me, you two, Nebi, Kana and Ino to go there. Since we are the older members of this base.

I don’t think that matters too much when we all know how to fight, but fair enough.

Miwa responds to Melly, and within seconds a shuttle arrives at their doorstep. The 6 members gather supplies and weapons and enter the shuttle, leaving Miya and Kazu to care of the base while they are gone.

A few minutes later, the shuttle arrives at the area of the complex, and they get ready to explore it.

Nebi, being the best melee fighter of the group, goes in first into the mysterious building, ready to throw punches the moment something threatening jumps out from the dark. Hika follows right behind her, hacking any terminals on the way and sending the data to Melly, while the others keep a lookout outside, to make sure nothing fishy happens.

Luckily for them, there were no enemies inside the complex, just a few unstable fuel nodes that explode into a fiery problem if disturbed.

The hacking process would go fine… if one room didn’t exist.

This room has a hacking terminal, but also has one of the fuel bombs that might explode while she’s busy at the terminal. Nebi had the idea of destroying the wall from the outside, so in case the thing explodes, Hika wouldn’t just burn from the temperature rising dramatically as a consequence of the fire.

But Hika had a different idea…

“What if we broke through the walls and sneakily deactivated the fuel bomb?” a risk plan that Nebi reluctantly went through.

She broke the wall from the outside and Hika very carefully approached the fuel bomb to deactivate it…

Mission Success!

The bomb was deactivated by Hika and she got to hack the final terminal, ending their mission…

But they took too long to do it. The moment she was done, a hostile local noticed their presence from afar when to attack them, the club decided to all make a run for it and entered the shuttle, leaving before the local could even get close… that was if Miwa wasn’t far behind her friends. She wouldn’t reach the shuttle in time to take off before the local, so they had to engage in combat and knock him out so Miwa could escape with them at no cost of the shuttle.

They easily take down the aggressor who only had a club as a weapon, and leave the area with no much fanfare…

Day 75

The stealth mission crew arrived back home safe and sound during midnight and they receive a message from Melly right after the shuttle departed back to Binatrido:

Hey members of Gods’ Club, this is Melly from the Binaritdo.

I have received all the information from the terminals and passed all that over to the empire, I’m sure Yukie will be happy to see her expectations were met once again.

Either way, congrats on finding out more info about this so-called artifact, and if you need another ride, just call us. With a front payment of 10k silver + a distance tax, we can bring you guys to wherever you want in the world!

See you another time, members of Gods’ Club.

- Melly, Manager of Binartido.

With that done, Gods’ Club continues the slow progress of one day going back home, back to space. This valuable artifact is still far from being discovered and tracked down, but they have taken the first successful step, with the help of The Shattered Empire and Binartido, to find it!

Let’s hope this journey will be as smooth as it is now…

< A New Place to Stay (Day 1-50) - Table of Contents - Flawed Offense and Dawn of the Next Day (Day 76-100) >