Crashed Club

A New Place to Stay

There used to exist a massive spaceship named “Musakui High”, it was basically a “school house” that had a few clubs and classrooms where many lived happily in. The ship even had self-driving capabilities, going from planet to planet, orbiting them for a bit while recording their information for one of the clubs before moving on to the next. One of these clubs in the massive ship was called: Gods’ Club. This club was the home of Miwa, Nebi, Hika, Pudd and Kana, and they were very happy there. But one day this would all change in an instant…

While orbiting a mysterious planet not on their data records, disaster struck… The spaceship was hit by an unexpected and massive asteroid with a weird symbol that no one knew where it came from! Luckily, everyone present in the ship managed to flee using emergency escape pods, before the ship exploded into many pieces. Many of the pods going in different directions than Miwa & Friends…

Day 1-31

After some time, Miwa and the entirety of Gods’ Club crashland in the planet and now have to find a way to survive in this unknown and hostile environment. Hika tasked herself as the group’s main researcher of technology and Kana, using her skills of craftsmanship, assigned herself to help Hika in the process of creating things and new technology, while Pudd, Miwa and Nebi were responsible for creating their new home. With everyone in the club working together, they manage to create a slightly comfortable home made of wood, stones and metal they found around them in the area.

Later on, another member of the spaceship named Ino, who landed nearby, managed to find her way to the newly established Gods’ Club home, they welcomed Ino with open arms and progress continued for a while. Ino, who was part of the drama club, used some of her cooking skills to bring everyone bearable food to eat! She learned these skills after observing the cooking club for a day, so she could play the role of a chef as realistically as possible for a play.

After some time, they managed to get full electricity and batteries to store energy, a farm of both crops and animals working, even getting to domesticate a pet rabbit and duck. The rabbit was named Hare as per request of Pudd, and the duck was also named Hare per request of Hika… They thought it was funny. Things were looking up for the club and everything was peaceful… But Miwa was anxious.

She was still worried about everyone else that was on the ship, asking Hika if there was a way to bring everyone to them. Hika suggested the idea to make Miwa’s phone as a signal beacon that would send a message to them, but this would likely attract the attention of unwanted or worse, hostile parties. Miwa considered all the drawbacks of this action and decided to go through with it.

My friends at the other clubs are far too precious not to save. I want them to know where we are, so we can all be reunited again!” she said with a lot of passion behind her words, giving Hika her phone.

And so the message was sent to the world:

Everyone from Musakui High, this is Miwa from the Gods’ Club, please follow this signal, we are all waiting for you here! We have to stay together in order to go back to the skies! Our home!

And now, we are at the present day, 31 days after landing, Miwa activates the crude signal beacon built using her phone and wait for the return of their friends. In the meantime, the club tries to figure out a way they could go back to their home, space…

Day 32

The next day after activating the signal beacon, all the members of Gods’ Club and Ino sit down for a meeting per request of Miwa:

So what’s this meeting about?

Is it one I can sleep through?

Wait, there’s meetings where you don’t sleep through Nebi?

Hey. heey, don’t give the wrong impression of me to Ino, it’s her first time in a Gods’ Club meeting!

I never saw you not sleeping in a meeting.

I just have my eyes closed all the time, that’s why you never see me. I can count in my hand the amount of times where I listened to an entire meeting!

One, two, three…” Pudd counts her fingers and then says “Nine is not a lot compared to how many we had…

I think it’s a lot.

Wait… nine?” She asks, facing Pudd’s direction with a confused look on her face.


Ino thinks to herself “So these are Gods’ Club meetings huh… I guess drama and god clubs are not so different after all…

Everyone!Miwa raises her voice as she gets up from the chair and places her hands on the table “This is a very important meeting!

Everyone goes silent.

Yesterday, I went through with the signal beacon idea, and this meeting is to discuss what to do now that is active.” She continues, “We pretty exposed our exact location to the many other people living on this planet, and some of these people may not be exactly friendly to us.

Are you suggesting we will need to fight from now on?

As much as I wouldn’t want it, we will need to fight when necessary.

Well, at least we do have weapons. Thanks to the foresight of the Astronomy Club, all of the escape pods had weapons in their storage.

Wait, They had storage???

Hika replies, “They should’ve, there’s a button on the back of the pod, pressing it would open a hatch with everything. Did you not see it?

I… did… not…” She says looking away a little embarrassed.

That’s funny but also okay, we only discovered the button after Pudd accidentally bumped into one of the pods.

Regardless, we need to be prepared to fight in case anything happens, so please keep your weapons close to you at all times.

The meeting concludes with everyone agreeing with the new terms and way of life. As the day continued, some of them left to do their own things, the rest stayed talking and bantering until it was time for the dawn.

Day 33

During the afternoon, Ino spotted a big group of people approaching their base and quickly gathered everyone, thinking the worst was about to happen. A very hostile atmosphere was in place between the members and the outsiders during the confrontation, the group was standing still while the club had weapons pointed at them. That was until a woman with green hair, side tail and eyebags stepped out to defuse the situation.

Hey, hey, let’s calm down and put down the weapons.

Who are you and what are you doing here!Miwa says, speaking in a commanding voice.

My name is Melly and this is my caravan. We are combat suppliers from our faction called BinaritdoA unknown faction, best be wary of them., we go all around the world trading goods with other factions and villages.

How can we trust anything you say?” She continues the pressure.

Hmm… Well, it’s not my first time in this situation Everyone!” She yells to the caravan while she raises her hands.

Everyone in the caravan raises their hands with her and as they do, their weapons fall to the ground.

We are not here to cause conflict or trouble to your base, the weapons are for mere self-defense, our only intentions are trade and only that. We value the power of trading far more than conflict, that’s the motto of BinaritdoA neutral faction from this planet, Their motto is “Trading Over Fightting”.. After a day or so camping out around this area we will leave.

Melly, The Never Sleeping Trader.

Miwa and club talked with each other and after much deliberation, they decided to let the Melly’s caravan campout nearby.

I'm glad to have you as a client, Gods' Club members.

Later on that day, Pudd decided to trade something she found around the area on a crashed pod.

Oh, these are gold eyes, you're saying they fell in the sky on a pod and crashed nearby?


Hmmm, it was likely a transport pod that malfunctioned and fell around the area instead of the intended destination. It happens sometimes.” She stops herself, looking at the eyes very intently she noticed it was actual real gold and had dollar signs in her pupils “You say you want to trade them? How much silver do you want?


What? You don’t know what silver is?” she asks, confused.

Nope, no idea, we have been here for about a few and…Pudd continues to tell how they got to this planet-

Oh, I see, you crashlanded in this planet, makes sense…” She pauses for a few seconds “Silver is the currency we all use to trade on this planet, and I’m willing to pay you 17 silver for all 13 eyes. They are valuable, what do you say about that deal?

Uuuuh…Pudd thinks for a bit how big the number would be and answers “Alright, that seems good!

and so the transaction took place, Pudd sold all 13 eyes for 221 silver.

Pudd then returned to the base with all the silver, explained the purpose of silver and how she got it. The reactions were mostly mixed, everyone thought she was scammed out of a lot of money, the eyes were made of gold after all…

Nevertheless, the money was enough to buy a few books from the caravan, Gods’ Club funds were far too low to get something meaningful.

Meanwhile, Hika and Kana spent the entire day figuring out how the automatic pistols and machine pistols worked, to eventually be able to figure out turrets that can protect their base.

Day 34

Everyone woke in the early hours of the morning by the sounds of gunshots.

After reuniting out of their room, the club quickly heads out with guns ready to fight Melly’s caravan, fearing that they betrayed the club and initiated a raid. But when they got to the area, they saw Melly and her group shooting at some individuals far away, hiding within the trees. After scaring the people away, Melly noticed the club watching over them-

There y'all are! You guys were so sleepy that you didn't hear your beacon alert?

Alert? Our beacon is supposed to alert us??

What do you mean? Of course it is, every beacon is capable of detecting people that enter its area. We sent a response to the beacon and you guys answered, no?

The beacon did nothing, I just saw all of you from afar and gathered everyone.

You guys have a beacon that doesn’t detect people around the area? Damn, you guys really are not here, this is the standard for all beacons!

Can you tell me how to do that? I had no clue about the standards of beacons on this planet, it would be nice if you told us.

Alright, I’ll tell you how to do it but we need to confirm that those 2 raiders from the Hunters of ChaosA Unknown Group. are not around first.

Raid? Hunters of Chaos??

A member of the caravan wit their beacon step up and clarified Melly's mistake:

Miss Melly there’s 4 raiders not 2.

Wait, there’s 4!?

Yes, that’s what I said to you when we detected them. We also never sent that message to the Gods' Club beacon.

We will solve that later! Where’s the other 2 raide-

Before she could finish her sentence, an explosion was heard on the other side of the base as the lights went completely out.

Oh no, that’s where the batteries are.

Ah, there it goes the batteries…


Shoot, I messed up! Come on guys, get moving!

Melly’s caravan moves in to fight and the club follows right after, they see the door to the battery room completely busted and the 2 other raiders leaving the room right after the explosion. Melly and the club open fire at them and they decide to not go down without a fight, armed with guns, they begin to fire back. They are quickly demolished by sheer numbers, but they did manage to shoot Ino during the fight, nothing life risking, just a small gunshot wound that was quickly patched by Nebi.

After the fight Melly confirmed with her caravan there were no more raiders nearby and went with Hika to the phone beacon and upgraded it to be a regular beacon that can send out the message they wanted, but also detect people and many other events around the area. The rest of the club spent the rest of the day cleaning the mess the raiders caused and fixing the batteries that luckily were not fully destroyed in that explosion.

Later during the night, Melly’s caravan said their goodbyes to the club and left, she even decided to leave a gift for the club, feeling bad about the mess up earlier that morning.

A synthread Sash and a muffalo wool veil… A gift is a gift, so the club decided to keep it in the storage room.

A hectic day comes to a close, a very important hectic day. Melly gave them really important information, such as the regular beacon and silver, she even offered to protect the base from those “Hunters of ChaosA Hostile Faction.”, her visit will not be forgotten by Miwa.

Day 35

Ino, fully healed from the shoot from yesterday, noticed that some of the farm dromedaries were acting a little strange, after careful inspection she saw that they were actually sick! They caught the plague during the past few days of chaos and no one noticed it. Thankfully it was not too late yet and they have plenty of medicine in stock to take care and cure the animals.

That was way too close!

Hika finally had time to sit down and figure out how to make Gun Turrets and with the help of Kana they managed to create one and also teach Pudd, Miwa and Nebi how to make them… Taught Miwa and Nebi, all the instructions seemed to jump over Pudd’s head.

Did everyone understand what we said?


Wait, wait! I got lost in the explanation.

You waited until the end to say that??

Yeah, I didn’t want to interrupt the explanation for everyone else.

That’s… very considerate actually. Which part you got lost?

At the part with numbers!

Pudd, that was at the beginning…

Later on that day, the beacon detected a hostile BoomratAn animal the size of a dog that explodes into flames after dying.. Driven insane by unknown means, they entered the area and was going to attack anything they saw. The club got ready and began firing at the animal from afar. After missing most of their shoots, the turret gun put them all to shame by hitting and killing the animal in its first shot. The explosion afterwards didn’t cause any damage and they put out the small fire left behind.

Damn, these turrets are more accurate than me, and I have played many FPS games!Pudd said looking at the turret.

Day 36

At 4 A.M, The club received a message from Faction BinaritdoA neutral faction from this planet, Their motto is “Trading Over Fightting”, our friend Melly comes from there., it was a message from Melly:

Hey members of Gods’ Club, this is Melly from the Binaritdo.

I’ve been thinking about y’all story and I decided to help out a little bit, consider this a thanks for letting my caravan stay by your base for a day and an apology for the trouble from a few days earlier, I still feel a little bad about it.

Y'all want to gather your friends and return to space right? I can't really grant that wish because it would cost you a lot, buuut I can direct some people that may be of benefit to you. They are from the folks from The Shattered Empire. They will establish communication with Gods’ Club in a few days, but it’s better for you to do something before they ever come to your base.

These people are… a bit eccentric, they all dress like royal court and act like so, if it wasn’t for the power that Binaritdo holds in the economy, I don’t think they would ever accept my request. But that’s besides the point, what I would recommend for one of the members to accept whatever nonsense they ask of you to gain some HonorInvisible currency, high valuable and only given by The Shattered Empire. and to create a very luxurious and expensive throne room for you to get some title awards from them.

They are a tough crowd to deal with but I think you will find a lot of value befriending this faction. I believe this is enough for my mess up from a few days ago, anything more will cost you some silver~

That’s all from me, take care, members of Gods’ Club.

- Melly, Manager of Binartido.

That’s the message we received from her.” She says everyone sat down around the table for the meeting, discussing this message.

4 A.M… does she sleep at all?


The Shattered Empire is a very cool name!


Are we really going to gain anything from them? They just sound like a bunch of theater full of themselves.

We don't have any allies or power we can rely on aside from ourselves. It's best to take this opportunity, since there’s no telling how much time we will spend here.

Hmm, I guess so…

Who’s going to get the honor though?

I vote for Miwa!

I do too.

Wait, m-me?

Yeah, you're the leader for Gods’ Club after all, it makes sense!

That does make sense, I vote for Miwa too.

Yeah, Yeah haha…zzz…

Well, I guess I vote for Miwa too since you guys have this amount of confidence.

You guys… Than-

Before she could finish the sentence, all the electronics and lights in the room turn off. According to the beacon, it was a solar flare that just took place and will last for a few hours… Miwa decided to cut the meeting there and everyone returned to their work.

Regardless, the entire club assigned Miwa as the royalty of the base and began the project to build her throne to gain some points with The Shattered EmpireA neutral faction full of royal people that might be of help to us. by Melly’s suggestion. She is a really good business woman, so this suggestion may be of utmost value.

Hika went to research about Royal apparel so Miwa would have proper royal-like clothes for the titles she might gain in the future.

Later on in the day, one of the dromedaries unfortunately passed away from the plague, looks like it was too late to heal them… at least the solar flare ended and everything began to work again.

Day 37

The Miwa’s Throne project continues, progressing very nicely. The walls are almost finished and the club has already begun constructing the floor using cloth to make carpets with Miwa’s hair color, and normal limestone bricks.

Whooooa. This place is huge… too bad it lacks a roof to create echo…

Later on the day, Pudd was leaving the base and forgot to close the door. Hare the Rabbit had the perfect chance to see the world outside, a chance Hare took and began their own journey back into nature… Pudd noticed Hare leaving and tried to chase after her, but Hare was much faster than Pudd and after she tripped face first in the grass, she lost sight of Hare and the rabbit was never seen again… now only Hare the Duck remains as pet.

Day 38

Ino noticed that it has been getting a little cold recently and plants stopped growing as fast as they normally do. After a talk with Hika, the both investigated the weather situation and discovered that it works very differently than their home planet. Seasons only last for 15 days, Winter has begun. With this discovery, they all quickly built heaters all over the base.

Emergency Heater Squad coming in!

That’s… a name for sure…

Hika also finished researching all of the royal apparel related topics and passed the information of how to make a cape and crown to Kana.

Will Miwa actually wear these?

Well, she has to. Those folks of the empire are probably very picky with their clothing choices, but I personally find that very uncomfortable and would never wear them.

Hmm.Kana thinks, “Aren’t royalty and angels two peas in the same pod…

I’ll go back to my research, see ya.

At the request of their earlier talk while upgrading the beacon, Hika decided her next research to be Microelectronics, to further upgrade the regular beacon. It is a long research process, so she will take a long time before finishing it.

The beacon alerted that a local hare went mad in the area and attacked the base, unfortunately for the animal, one bullet was enough to take it down. Luckily for them, this hare was not Hare the Rabbit and an actual Hare, but they still felt bad about killing the type of animal the club liked.

Day 39

The club finally received a message from The Shattered EmpireA neutral faction full of royal people that might be of help to us. at 10 A.M. by a woman named Yukie:

Hello Gods’ Club and its so called ‘members’.

I heard from a particular associate that you were seeking assistance from other factions for your goal to fly back to space and I, Yukie, as a generous and magnanimous angel, decided to accept Melly’s request to help. I shall assist as your benefactor, but you must show me your loyalty and appease my demands first, nothing comes for free after all HOHOHO!

This will be our test to see how loyal the ‘members’ of Gods’ Club are to me and to the empire:

My uncle’s 47th combat panther died a very heroic death on the battlefield and I would like you to build a monument in her honor.

Accept this request and I will send the blueprints via transport pod, this monument must be built in 10 days and can’t be destroyed for 15 days after construction. Not even a scratch! Otherwise my uncle’s 47th combat panther’s honor would be tarnished and I would need to reconsider your loyalty toward us.

I hope you do not disappoint me, ‘members’ of Gods’ Club. HOHOHO!

- Your Benignant and Graceful Angel Yukie.

And that’s the message…

47th? What happened to the other 46 panthers?

I think you're missing the bigger point Pudd…

Hey.Kana says as she pokes Nebi’s cheek “Wake up, this seems important.


Just hearing you read it makes me angry. Do we really have to work for this theater kid?

Again, we don’t really have a choice in allies here, we have to take what we are given…

Miwa begrudgingly accepted Yukie’s request and a few minutes later a transport pod landed outside, they all went to see the blueprint expecting a horrendous amount of work to be suddenly dropped on their back. When they saw what they had to build they-


It’s a… really small monument…

It’s better to not complain, who knows what kind of castle that Yukie girl could’ve made us do.

Yeah, let’s just do it and get some good will with the empire. Remember, we are doing this to get more power that we can rely on!

Castles are cooler than this tho…

Day 40

The monument was completed effortlessly by Nebi.

They reported back to Yukie and she replied:

Good, good. My uncle’s 47th battle panther can finally rest in peace with this monument in their name. I'm glad we are on the same page, ‘members’ of Gods’ Club.

Protect the monument as I requested and we will have plenty more to discuss in the future HOHOHO!

- Your Benignant and Graceful Angel Yukie.

The club members could not figure out why Yukie considers this a monument or why it’s important for the panther, but everyone accepted the easy goodwill for The Shattered EmpireA neutral royal faction that Yukie comes from. in silence.

Day 41

Winter begins to rear its ugly head as temperatures rapidly drop, some of the fauna begin to die out from the cold, and the rest that survive remain stagnant and unable to grow. Everyone in the club wishes for the winter to go fast so the gardening area can be grown again. There is a lot of food in the freezer, but not infinite food.

Cold enough to be freezing, but not to snow… what a bummer.

Day 42

Another peaceful day of progress with not much happening, the club gathered around after work for some fun talk and banter.

Hey Nebi.

Hey Pudd, whatcha neeed?

I have been wondering about something lately I saw once while we were still at the Musakui ship.

Whatcha worried about?

Oh, I’m not worried, no. I was just wondering about some ideas about liberalism.

Ideas about wha?

I saw someone talk about it on a streamer chat once and wondered ever since, like, what do you think of recognising the importance of values such as pluralism, relation, autonomy and bodily integrity?

She looks over and sees Nebi snoozing after the barrage of complicated words.

Oh, she fell asleep…

What type of stream were you watching anyway?

A normal gaming one.

And they were discussing politics??

No, it’s just that streamer was just talking normally, but chat got suddenly political and got particularly nasty.

Did you understand what they were saying?

Nope, too many complicated words!

Day 43

Miwa’s Throne construction continued to go smoothly for the past few days, pretty much half of the flooring has been done. But due to winter, the cotton plants stopped growing which led to the lack of silk to make carpets. It is a massive wrench to the plans, so the club decides to continue this project after winter is done.

It’s a shame we can’t continue right now, but I like how this looks so far!

A single traveler from BinaritdoA neutral faction from this planet, Their motto is “Trading Over Fightting”, our friend Melly comes from there. named Suarez passed by the area and camped out for a bit. Despite being just a civilian and not much high in the ranks of the faction, he still had a few things to trade.

Pudd went to trade with them and got a profit of a total of 48 silver, this time she was advised to ask for a higher selling price. The club’s funds increased, but it is still very low…

A meteor fell really close to the base. Despite the huge scare it gave Miwa and Nebi, who were nearby to the landing site, the meteor had a good amount of compacted steel ready to be mined.

Geez, my heart almost flew out…Miwa looks over to Nebi and notices that she was completely unfazed by the incident.

Nebi, did you… not see what just happened??

Oh, I did. My poor heart almost exploded too.

But you don’t look scared at all.

That’s because I slept the fear off right after it happened and, after 10 seconds, I woke up with a calm heart.

That’s… a really impressive skill!

I know right! I’m very efficient with my skills as well~

Later on in the day, Kana went to the back of the base to get some fresh air, and she noticed a cougar who was staring at her for a long while. They locked their sight on each other for a bit, and after getting a chill down her spine, she took a few steps back. It was then that the cougar started running towards her, the cougar was hunting Kana for food!

Kana hastily called all the members nearby and they all shot the cougar while Nebidistracted the animal in melee combat.

Nebi sustained a few scratches but nothing life threatening.

The cougar was defeated successfully.

Kana went to bed that night a bit self-conscious about her smell to attract that cougar's attention.

Do I… smell tasty…?”

Day 44

Nebi recovered from her minor injuries last night and had an interesting talk with Ino before going to work…

Hey Ino, I've been thinking of something recently.


How does it feel like to wear a maid dress?


Those big black and white dresses, you guys from the drama club probably had one.

I know what they are, it was just a sudden question. They were much like a normal dress, just a little hard to move in due to being so big.

Why don’t they just make them smaller and more compact.

But those types of maid dresses also exist.

No, I mean, make the dress not cover the entire floor when you sit down y’know.

I’m.. not sure I’m following what you are saying…

Since the throne project was halted, the club decided to replace the floors and overall base with better materials, all the wood were replaced with more visually appealing limestone tiles.

Day 45

Not much noteworthy happened during this day, the club just continued refloring the entire base like they started yesterday. A very good time of peace and quiet that hopefully will last…

Day 46

The club was alerted by the beacon very early in the morning about a group of 4 raiders from the faction called Kaori WaspsA hostile faction known for pillage and looting. entering the area, two with clubs and two armed with metal pipes. Judging from how they were acting from afar, they were likely planning before attacking, which gave the club some time to prepare their defense.

Nebi tried to build a few turrets around the base but a sudden flashstorm very close detected by the beacon disrupted those plans. The raiders saw the opportunity and began their assault while the club was distracted with everything else.

They managed to get really close to the base and destroy a turret, but with a fantastic shot from Miwa, one of metal piper wilders fell to the ground instantly, while Nebi meleed the other one behind the solar panel. He did not put up much of a fight, but before falling, he threw a metal pipe that hit Kana directly in the head. The other 2 raiders, seeing how dire the situation was for them, decided to flee.

Aside from the metal pipe to the head and the turret’s demise, this was a successful defense. The club ran back to deal with the fires the flashstorm caused on the other side of the base.

The action filled day was not done however, after putting out the fire, the beacon detected another group of raiders from the faction Roarclan of RsyshdeA hostile tribal faction that thrive in violence., another 2 metal pipe wilders that were attacking immediately…

They did not put up much of a fight.

After Nebi knocked one of the raiders' lights out, the other one ran for his life and they didn’t even manage to hit a single member with a pipe.

Kana’s head injury was patched up by Nebi and they were able to breathe a sigh of relief, the day was finally over.

Day 47

Kana made a fast recovery from “Metal pipe right in the forehead” injury.

Today was also the last day of winter. In hindsight, winter was not so bad, the maximum the temperatures fell was -12C, and that was not enough to kill most plants, just made them unable to grow. Gods’ Club was very lucky with the place they crashed and decided to stay.

Snow never came…

Day 48

Energy consumption started to become a real problem, the batteries are just not enough to last the entire night. Knowing this, the club decided to build two more batteries and another solar panel which mostly solved the issue and even allowed them to build street lamps that would stay up even at night!

At dawn, the beacon detected an escape pod crash very violently nearby, and Miwa went to see the crash site. However, after seeing the debris of the crash and the pod itself, still closed, she immediately realized this was a pod from the Musakui High! She called everyone and after opening the pod, she discovered Miya inside! She was very hurt and unconscious from the crash, but thankfully alive. They brought her back to the base where she rested in one of the medical beds while Nebi patched all her injuries.

Day 49

Miya is still unconscious but she is healing at the care of Nebi. The crash was pretty brutal and raised a lot of questions for the club.

“Why did it crash in such a violent manner?”

“Why did her pod take this long to land on the planet?”

Questions that Miya might have the answer for… when she wakes up of course.

The beacon detected another pod crash, but this time was a transport one with 7 masks…? Gods’ Club was very confused as to why a transport pod was used to move only 7 masks but hauled them to the base anyway, they might be of use in the future.

While transporting the masks, Kana noticed that another cougar was looking at her very weirdly and she began to run with no hesitation, the cougar went right behind of course. Kana was being hunted for food by another cougar! By some miracle, she managed to get to her friends and they all began to fight off the cougar.

With everyone shooting and Nebi being a skilled melee fighter, they took down the cougar at no cost or risk like last time. Kana sighed, relieved that the attack was over and headed to the base with no worries in her mind… this is not what happened. When she looked back, she saw a massive bear rushing towards also hunting her for food!

Luckily this time, after taking some shots, the bear backed down and ran away. The supposedly Tasty Kana was saved once again from the carnivorous predators. She became even more self-conscious of her smell and taste after these events though…

Hika, do I smell tasty?


Hika, I NEED to know!

How am I supposed to know that!?

Miya opened her eyes for the first time since the crash, but everyone decided to leave her alone for the time being. They did not want to bombard her with questions when she just woke up from a really bad accident.

Day 50

Miya finally got up from her bed for the first time after the crash and everyone gathered around her worried about it-

Hey, hey, don’t get up so fast!

Oh, Miwa, Ino and everyone else from the Gods’ Club? I’m glad to know all of you are fine.

Come on, don’t be so self righteous now, we were all worried about you first.

Is everyone from Musakui High here? I need to talk about something with the Astrology Club.

Unfortunately no, where are the only ones here, not a single member of the Astrology Club made contact too. But we are trying to gather everyone here!

Oh, I see…

What happened to your pod Miya? Why did it take so long to land?

I’m not really sure myself, I wanted the Astrology Club opinion on what exactly happened. After my pod was launched, it got hit by some kind of energy wave that deactivated the engine and made it stop moving in space.

You were stuck in space for this long…

Eventually, my pod floated closer to the planet which led me to the crash.

An energy wave huh… We didn’t experience that on our escape, but it makes me wonder if others from the ship may still be up there… What could’ve caused it…

Again, this is just everything I think happened, it would be nice to have the Astrology members opinion on it. But I’m thankful that some of my friends are still safe and sound!

Everyone caught Miya up to the current situation and goals they have to return to space. Miya is a very talented, albeit a little lazy, artist who will be capable of making the base much prettier with their art.

She spent the rest of the day sleeping, still healing from the crash.

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