
Welcome to the bye bye page!

Here you can see many links to many different places in Neocities!


But before you go clicking, feel free to link my button to your website if you liked it!

This is my button:

My button for the website!


Be sure to check the other wonderful people in the Vocaloid Webring, they have cool and fun websites too!


Finally, here are some of the websites I saw in Neocities that I really liked! I took their buttons and linked them here, make sure to check each and every single one!

(You can hover over the button to see a little comment from me.)

c04x14l website ITZ AREZ!! website Smokeyjoint site Amriel Website Nyaa Website Swirl Website Ratpilled Website Adilene Website Cloverbell Website Melonking Website glitchedguts Website Hog Website Spiritcellar Website Shiroganes Website Sunny Day's Website ??? Lifeinthe4thdimension Website Super Nxva Website 1337Nightbug Website Miyakukage Website Artio's Website P3P Website Baguette Website Atomicgothic Website Bliss Website Bury Pink Website Saint Images Website Garf Website Diluculo Website Love Sick Website FREE KROMER Website Cy Website Molecule31 Website Melody's Website Spiders Website Zone over imagination Website Miela583 Website Skep Website Fear Garden Website LOVEWEB Website My-s173 website Dirtylaundry website CYBHERSPACE website Spettri site Spettri site Vaccumforest website Soyatoast website Vaccumforest site Vaccumforest site Vaccumforest site Vaccumforest site Kiwimeowo site Sleepy Sprout Website

BOOTLEG RAVEN - Comment: Super Cute website with great art too look at and a blog that is constantly updated! Make sure to check the blog!


This is a place for the buttons that have lost their website for one reason or another.

Or have not been update in a huge while.

Hopefully they will see the light of the day again.

Have a Pudd too before you go:

Pudd has cat ears (She's not a furry)

Art made by Miya.

The contents of this page have been HIJACKED by me, LOLO!

You will be denied of all the things on this page and I'll BAN Pudd from appearing!

Yes, yes, I have returned once more for vengeance against my rival PUDD!

If you want to know how I achieved such an impressive feat like this, just head to the blog page and learn about my genius plan to infiltrate and eventually Hijack this page using a disguise!

Links? You aren't going anywhere with me here!